TORGUN BV - maatschappelijke zetel Middelweg 95, B-9880 Aalter – België, VAT BE 0525.939.146,
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Ports, coastal engineering & waterways

De ontwikkeling van de haveninfrastuctuur heeft een sterke ontwikkeling gekend in de 20ste eeuw en de trend is er een van blijvende groei in de komende jaren. Het is een uitdagende opdracht om de nodige infrastructuur te voorzien in een context van globalisering. Door de complexiteit van de technische oplossingen en het unieke karakter van elk project is dit een fascinerende taak en een constante uitdaging. Daarom is een sterke technische expertise de sleutel tot succes in dit domein.  

In turn, because of its geographical location, port infrastructure is closely related to the natural processes of the sea, the coast, estuaries and rivers. It is a subject that requires experience to connect the different variables that come together in these complex physical environments: weather and ocean conditions, wind, tides, waves, hydrodynamics, sediment. All these variables comprise highly relevant information and the starting point for functional and structural design, for both port structures (port layout, breakwater, access channels, docks, dredging, ...) and structures for coastal protection (dikes, breakwaters, dredging, erosion protection and scour, regeneration and restoration of beaches, water intakes, spillways, water quality).

And pushing farther inland, waterways and rivers are transport alternatives increasingly taken into account that integrate ports with site production and consumption centers. Implementation and maintenance of these waterways include navigation channel design, implementation of hydraulic Works, dredging and economic studies to minimize maintenance costs. Harnessing of rivers shared with many stakeholders (navigation, recreation, ecological environments, flood control, irrigation and water supply) makes that the development of these infrastructure projects is also a work with great challenges.

The technical expertise of TORGUN and its staff is a valuable asset that is offered for studies in these fields. This experience is potentiated with references in previous international projects working in multidisciplinary teams and following recognized international standards and norms. All this baggage facilitates the execution and accurately guides the projects wherever it participates. The well recognized experience of the low land of Belgium in of ports, waterways, coasts and river projects is also a reference for TORGUN. We are driven by the interest of finding solutions!


  • Havenlayout
  • Toegangskanalen
  • Golfbrekers
  • Steigers
  • Troskrachten
  • Beschikbaarheid/downtime analyses
  • Hydrodynamische modellering
  • Sedimentatie
  • Dynamica van cohesieve gronden en zand
  • Golfmodellering
  • Waterkwaliteit
  • Inlaat- en uitlaat structuren
  • Coastal impact assessment
  • Kustlijnerosie en morfologie
  • Kustgerelateerde planning & ontwikkeling
  • Kustbescherming
  • Functioneel en structureel ontwerp van kustwaterbouwkundige structuren (strandhoofden, zeeweringen, bekleding, golfbrekers, …)
  • Geotubes
  • Erosie en bodembescherming
  • Hydrodynamica van rivieren
  • Sedimenttransport en morfologie van rivieren
  • Ontwerp van waterwegen
  • Ontwerp van geleidingsstructuren voor rivieren (kribben, bodemdrempels, dijken, oeverbescherming,…)

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